Level | Donation | Benefits* |
Youth (under 18) | $10 | Subscription to the NJSM Newsletter (via E-Mail) Limited Edition Patch |
Friend (Family) | $25 | Subscription to the NJSM Newsletter (via E-Mail) Limited Edition Patch Invitation to “Friends Only” events for all family members |
Century | $100 | All the Friend benefits above, plus: Choice of one NJSM logo product (Shirt or Hat) |
Patron | $250 | All the Century benefits above, plus: Wall Plaque |
Life | $1000** | All the Patron benefits above, plus: Lifetime subscription of NJSM Patches as made available Limited Edition light weight jacket with NJSM logo Listing on the NJSM’s “Life Members Wall” |
Now make you annual membership payment ONLINE through our secure GoogleCheckout !
* All levels will be billed on a calendar basis, except Life Members.
** Previous donations accrue towards Life Membership.
The New Jersey Scout Museum is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, with donations tax deductible.